4 inch Black ABS Plastic Roof Exhaust Vent – Damper – Screen – Item #3540

Dryer Vent

The Lambro 4-inch black ABS plastic exhaust vent is ideal for venting through the roof. It features a damper and removable hinged screen (REMOVED THE SCREEN FOR CLOTHES DRYER APPLICATIONS) that prevents outside elements and air from entering the vent. The damper seals the vent opening when the clothes dryer or bath fan is not running because no exhaust air exits the vent. When the clothes dryer or bath fan operates, the exhaust air pressure pushes the damper to let the exhaust air escape from the vent.

WARNING:The roof vent applications consist only of shingled roof installations.

The exhaust vent is for new and replacement installations. The vent frame comes with six predrilled nail holes to secure the vent to the roof. When using the vent to exhaust a clothes dryer, check the inside of the vent regularly to prevent lint build-up.

The vent’s manufacturing material is ABS (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene) with a UV additive to prevent premature fading caused by sunlight. It would be best to prep the vent before painting it; we recommend plastic paint to paint the plastic vent effectively.

Make sure to check local building codes before installation.

Product features and benefits:

  • Bulk pack
  • Can now be used for clothes dryer venting by removing the included screen
  • Roof Cap is for Shingle Roof Installations Only
  • Maximum exhaust airflow – minimum back pressure
  • 4-inch collar molded to the base – 1.5″ in length
  • Opening and closing damper prevents outside elements from entering the vent
  • REMOVABLE hinged screen prevents birds from nesting inside of vent
  • Designed to prevent leaks with proper installation
  • Mounts over existing 4 inch openings
  • Made of ABS (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene) material
  • Predrilled nail installation holes
  • UV inhibitor is used to help prevent the premature fading of vent
  • Plastic vent is paintable when prepped before painting – plastic paint recommended
  • Installation nails or screws (not included)

Product Contains:
(1) 4 inch black ABS plastic roof exhaust vent – damper – screen

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354R-R (Retail Printed Box)

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